
Stop + 動名詞 は、進行中の行動が終了したことを意味します。これら二つの動詞には因果関係はありません。

  • I stopped working for them last year.
  • I have stopped cycling to work.
  • Could you stop bringing your dog to the office?
  • He stopped eating meat in January.

Stop +不定詞 は、他の何かをするために行動を中断したという意味で、不定詞が中断の目的を述べるのに使われます。

  • I stopped to have lunch at 12:00.
  • It's difficult to concentrate on what you are doing if you have to stop to answer the phone every five minutes.
  • We stopped to look at the wildflowers.
  • I stopped to take a break, but I'll start again soon.