
ほとんどの動詞の現在分詞は base+ingの形状で、これは様々に使われます。

  • I am working.
  • He was singing.
  • They have been walking.
  • We will be staying.
  • She would have been expecting me.

この構文は、特に動詞 to goと一緒によく使われます。

  • She went shopping.
  • I go running every morning.
  • He lay looking up at the clouds.
  • She came running towards me.

この使い方のパターンは動詞 + 目的語 + 現在分詞です。こうした文の中で、分詞の代わりにtoなし不定詞が使われる場合は意味が異なります。現在分詞が継続中の行動を述べているのに対し、.不定詞は完了した行動を述べます。

  • I heard someone singing.
  • He saw his friend walking along the road.
  • I can smell something burning!
  • I watched the birds flying away.
  • It was an amazing film.
  • Dark billowing clouds often precede a storm.
  • He was trapped inside the burning house.
  • Many of his paintings show the setting sun.
動詞spend と wasteと一緒に使う現在分詞

これらの動詞と一緒に使う場合のパターンは、動詞 + 時間/貨幣の表現 + 現在分詞です。

  • My boss spends two hours a day travelling to work.
  • Don't waste time playing computer games!
  • They've spent the whole day shopping.
  • I wasted money buying this game.
動詞 catch と findと一緒に使う現在分詞

これらの動詞と一緒に使う場合のパターンは、 動詞 + 目的語 + 現在分詞です。catchと一緒の場合、分詞は常に苛立たしさや怒りの原因となる行動を表します。findの場合は感情が含まれません。

  • If I catch you stealing my apples again, there'll be trouble!
  • Don't let him catch you reading his letters.
  • I caught him going through my bag.
  • We found some money lying on the ground.
  • They found their mother sitting in the garden.


  • Whistling to himself, he walked down the road. = He whistled to himself as he walked down the road.
  • They went laughing out into the snow. = They laughed as they went out into the snow.
  • Dropping the gun, she put her hands in the air. = She dropped the gun and put her hands in the air.
  • Putting on his coat, he left the house. = He put on his coat and left the house.

as, sincebecauseで始まる句の代わりに現在分詞を使うことが出来ます。この使い方では現在分詞は、行動の原因や理由を説明しています。

  • Feeling hungry, he went into the kitchen and opened the fridge.
  • Being poor, he didn't spend much on clothes.
  • Knowing that his mother was coming, he cleaned the flat.
  • He whispered, thinking his brother was still asleep.