
Adverbs of manner tell us how something happens. They are usually placed either after the main verb or after the object.


様態の副詞は、物事が どのように 起こったかを表し、主動詞の後か、目的語の後に置かれます。

  • He swims well.
  • He ran quickly.
  • She spoke softly.
  • James coughed loudly to attract her attention.
  • He plays the flute beautifully. (直接目的語の後)
  • He ate the chocolate cake greedily. (直接目的語の後)


  • He ate greedily the chocolate cake. [間違い]
  • He ate the chocolate cake greedily. [正しい]
  • He greedily ate the chocolate cake. [正しい]
  • He gave us generously the money. [間違い]
  • He gave us the money generously. [正しい]
  • He generously gave us the money. [正しい]


  • The child ran happily towards his mother.
  • The child ran towards his mother happily.


  • The town grew quickly after 1997.
  • He waited patiently for his mother to arrive.

これらの一般的な様態の副詞は、大抵の場合、動詞のすぐ後に来ます:well、badly、 hard、 & fast

  • He swam well despite being tired.
  • The rain fell hard during the storm.


She quickly agreed to re-type the letter. 素早く合意した
She agreed quickly to re-type the letter. 素早く合意した
She agreed to re-type the letter quickly. 素早くタイプをうち直した
He quietly asked me to leave the house. 静かに要求した
He asked me quietly to leave the house. 静かに要求した
He asked me to leave the house quietly. 静かに去った

様態の副詞は、強調するために verb + object の前に置かれるものもあります。

  • He gently woke the sleeping woman.
  • She angrily slammed the door.


  • Slowly she picked up the knife.
  • Roughly he grabbed her arm.

