そんなイギリスのトレンドの1つは、「パブクイズ」です。 イギリスで非常に人気のあるエンターテイメントである「地元の」パブで行われる火曜日の夜のクイズは常に町の話題でした。 そのクイズが今、オンラインになってきているのです。
必要なのは、Zoom のようなビデオホスティングプラットフォーム、紙とペンを持った友達、家族、同僚、そしてあなたのやる気です。
クイズのテンポを調整するために、世界地理、歴史、ファッション、ポップカルチャー、音楽などの、さまざまなトピックごとにセクションに分割するとより良いでしょう。 次に、参加者へクイズについて説明する短い導入を行います。
その後各質問をゆっくりと明確に読み上げ、質問番号とその答えを紙に書き留めるように指示します。 興奮を維持するために、各セクションの後に答えを明らかにし、各ラウンド後にスコアを合計してもらいます。
How many time zones are there in Russia? (11)
What’s the national flower of Japan? (Cherry blossom)
How many stripes are there on the US flag? (13)
What’s the national animal of Australia? (Red Kangaroo)
How many days does it take for the Earth to orbit the Sun? (365)
Which of the following empires had no written language: Incan, Aztec, Egyptian, Roman? (Incan)
Until 1923, what was the Turkish city of Istanbul called? (Constantinople)
What country has the most islands in the world? (Sweden, over 220,000!)
What’s the smallest country in the world? (The Vatican)
What’s the capital of Canada? (Ottawa)
Name the largest (not highest) mountain range in the world? (The Andes – 7000km long; 6962m high)
Where is the lowest natural place on planet Earth? (The Mariana Trench, 11,034m)
Name the longest river in the world? (The Nile, 6650km)
What is the slang name for New York City, used by locals? (Gotham)
Name the best-selling book series of the 21st century? (Harry Potter, J. K. Rowling)
Which language has the most words (according to dictionary entries)? (English, 200,000 words)
Which famous graffiti artist comes from Bristol? (Banksy)
Norwegian artist Edvard Munch is famous for painting which iconic piece? (The Scream)
Which artist painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome? (Michelangelo)
When did they open the London underground? (1863)
Who invented the World Wide Web, and when? (Tim Berners-Lee, 1990)
Who invented the iconic Little Black Dress? (Coco Chanel, 1920s)
What happened on July 20th, 1969? (Apollo 11 landed on the Moon)
When was the first issue of Vogue published: 1892, 1960, 2000? (1892)
Where is Billie Eilish from? (Los Angeles)
What city do The Beatles come from? (Liverpool)
What is the all-time most-streamed song on Spotify to date? (Ed Sheeran, The Shape of You)
What is the most-streamed album on Spotify in 2019? (When We Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? Billie Eilish)
How many keys does a classic piano have? (88)
Which famous American pop band was originally called ‘Kara’s Flowers’? (Maroon 5)
Where was the first modern Olympic Games held? (Athens, 1896)
Which football team is known as ‘The Red Devils’? (Manchester United)
Which driver has won the most Formula 1 championships? (Michael Schumacher)
Who is 3rd on the all-time list of female tennis Grand Slam champions? (Serena Williams)
What was the clothing company Nike originally called? (Blue Ribbon Sports)
When was Netflix founded: 1997, 2001, 2009, 2015? (1997)
What was the most-watched series on Netflix in 2019? (Stranger Things)
Name Pixar’s first feature-length movie? (Toy Story, 1995)
What is the name of the coffee shop in the sitcom Friends? (Central Perk)
Name Disney’s first film? (Snow White, 1937)