国際バカロレアブログラムを受けてみて -My experience with the IB Diploma-
*English Below*
みなさんこんにちは!EF Academy日本事務局です。
今回は日本事務局でインターンをしてくれている多様なバックグラウンドを持つMinoriさんの高校時代のIBディプロマプログラムの経験についてお送りいたします。 IBディプロマ取得を考え始めた方はもちろん、受講中の方、取得済み方、様々な方にアプローチした内容です。
国際バカロレアブログラムを受けてみて (International School of Dusseldorf, Germanyにて)
By Minori
■ 受けた教科:
- ハイレベル
- 生物学
- 心理学
- スペイン語
- スタンダードレベル
- スポーツ科学
- 英文学A
- 数学
- 論文
- 知の理論
- CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service)
■ IBプログラムのメリット:
o 探究者
o 思慮深い人
o コミュニケーター
o リスクテイカー
o 知識が豊富
o プリンシプル
o 思いやり
o オープンマインド
o バランスのとれた人
o 反射的
- 個人的な成長と学問的な成長
- 質の高い教育
- 優れた学習をするために生徒自身に挑戦するカリキュラム
- 学生の高等教育での成功をサポート
- 自立して考える – 批判的思考力
- 文化的認識(第二言語)
- 果てしなくグローバル化する環境で活躍できる内容
- 強い学力、社会性、感情の発達
- 生徒の将来の希望や目標に沿った、パーソナライズされた学習を行う。
- 地域社会での積極的活動への支援
- 学問を超えた学習をする
■ 私のIB(国際バカロレア)の経験:
プログラム全体を通して批判的思考スキルを磨くことで、私は自立した学習者になり、継続的な自己啓発に常に挑戦することができました。IB Learner Profile (学習者プロフィール)の各側面に深く共鳴し、誠実さやコラボレーションスキルなど、多くの素晴らしい資質を身につけられました。
さらに、CAS (Creativity Activity Service)プログラムを通じ、学生として相互にバランスの取れた生活を送ることができました。Creativity ではドラムをはじめ、色々な楽器を演奏しました。ActivityではNECIS(Northwest European Council of International Schools)スポーツクラブに所属しアムステルダムで開かれた大会に参加しました。Serviceではボランティアで近くの難民センターで子供達にさまざまな言語を教えました。
EF AcademyでのIBプログラム:詳細はこちら
International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (at the International School of Dusseldorf, Germany)
By Minori
Of Japanese nationality, native in English and proficient in Japanese and Spanish. Acquainted with Korean, French and German. Born and raised in an international environment; gained cultural knowledge and a broadened global perspective through living in six different countries: United Kingdom, Japan, The Netherlands, Belgium, Mexico and Germany.
International Baccalaureate Diploma Program at the International School of Düsseldorf, Germany. Expected Bachelors Degree in Economics (PEARL) from Keio University, Japan.
■ Subjects taken:
- Higher Level
- Biology
- Psychology
- Spanish B
- Standard Level
- Sports Science
- English Literature A
- Mathematics
- Extended Essay
- Theory of Knowledge
- CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service)
■ What I felt were the benefits of the IB program:
The IB learner profile allowed me to gain the following skills and qualities:
o Inquirers
Have a natural curiosity and learn to acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and show independence in learning. Actively enjoy learning and this love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives.
o Thinkers
Exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize and approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions.
o Communicators
Understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. Willing to work in collaboration with others.
o Risk-takers
Approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought, and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies. Brave and articulate in defending your beliefs.
o Knowledgeable
Explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance. In doing so, you acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and balanced range of disciplines.
o Principled
Act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for dignity of the individual, groups and communities. You take responsibility for your own actions and the consequences that accompany them.
o Caring
Show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. Have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment.
o Open-minded
Understand and appreciate your own culture and personal histories, and are open to the perspectives, values and traditions of others individuals and communities. Seek and evaluate a range of points of view and are willing to grow from the experience.
o Balanced
Understand the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance to achieve personal well-being for yourself and others.
o Reflective
Able to give thoughtful consideration to your own learning and experience. Are able to assess and understand your strengths and limitations in order to support your learning and personal development.
Other areas of growth and merits gained from IB:
- Personal and Academic Growth
- High-quality education
- Challenges students to excel in their studies
- Helps students be more successful in higher education
- Think independently – critical thinking skills
- Cultural awareness (second language)
- Excel in an endlessly globalizing environment
- Development of strong academic, social and emotional characteristics
- Personalized and focused academic studies that align with the student’s future career aspirations and goals
- Encourages students to be active in their communities
- Take learning beyond academics
■ My experience:
In my opinion, having completed the IB diploma program has been one of the most valuable, meaningful and rewarding experiences of both my personal and academic career. Not only did it challenge me in educational aspects, however it also prepared me for my future undertakings. By choosing your own subjects, it allows for students to select classes that they are genuinely interested in, and could have a direct relation to their future endeavors.
Honing my critical thinking skills throughout the program has enabled me to become an independent learner, constantly challenging myself for continual personal development. Resonating deeply with each aspect of the IB learner profile, the program instilled numerous admirable qualities in myself, such as integrity and collaborative skills.
Furthermore, through the CAS (Creativity Activity Service) program, I was able to mutually accomplish well-roundedness as a student by participating in NECIS (Northwest European Council of International Schools) sports clubs and playing several instruments. Moreover, I also regularly volunteered at the nearby refugee center, at school events and taught various languages to fellow students.
All in all, I truly believe that the IB program prepared me fully, not only for further education, but for the future in a large sense. It taught me skills and qualities that I will perpetually attempt to refine and always effectuate.
IB Diploma Program at EF Academy: Click here